The Houston Energy Club is pleased to host the

8th Latin America Energy Forum®

         19 July 2024 | Tower Club, 100 S.E. 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Español/ Português


Pictures of the 1st Latin America Energy Forum, held in Houston on December 8, 2016, featuring a speech by Hon. Fernando Cesar Ferreira, Secretary General of the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)



Pictures of the 2nd Latin America Energy Forum, held in Houston on February 1, 2018, featuring a speech by Hon. Alfonso Blanco Bonilla, Secretary General of the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)



Pictures of the 3rd Latin America Energy Forum, held in Houston on March 7, 2019 featuring a speech by Robert Perez, President of Baker Hughes for Central America



Pictures of the 4th Latin America Energy Forum, held in Houston on March 5, 2020 featuring a speech by Prof. Alfonso Lopez de la Osa Escribano, Director of the Center for US and Maxican Law at the University of Houston


Pictures of the 5th Latin America Energy Forum, held in Fort Lauderdale on April 22, 2021 featuring a speech by Hon. Guillermo Solis Rivera, former President of Costa Rica


Pictures of the 6th Latin America Energy Forum, held in Houston on March 3, 2022 featuring a speech by Hon. Aldo Flores Quiroga, former Secretary General of the International Energy Forum


Pictures of the 7th Latin America Energy Forum, held in Houston on March 23, 2023 featuring a speech by Ambassador Carmen Gisela Vergara, Administrator of ProPanama and former Minister of Commerce


Pictures of the 8th Latin America Energy Forum, held in Fort Lauderdale on July 19, 2024 featuring a speech by H.E. Jacinth Henry-Martin, Ambassador of St. Kitts and Nevis to the United States



Latin America Energy Forum - Official Website - since 2016
Latin America Energy Forum - Participating Entities

Heads of State, Government Officials from Washington D.C., Secretary Generals of International Organizations, Chief Executive Officers of Domestic and Foreign Energy Corporations.


Previous Latin America Energy Forums were held in Florida and Texas and were attended by the following organizations: U.S. Department of Energy, BP, Cheniere Energy, Siemens, Frontera Resources, Bechtel, NextDecade, Schlumberger, OLADE, and several others. For information on other events organized by the Houston Energy Club, please visit the website: 


Latin America Energy Forum - Background 

Houston Energy Club events are high-level roundtable meetings attended by senior government officials and corporate executives. The objective of the Latin America Energy Forum is to bring together senior energy experts and government officials of Latin America and the United States to explore new business opportunities and promote trade relations among participants.

For the longer term, the Latin America Energy Forum aims to establish a meaningful and ongoing dialogue between high-level energy industry representatives from North and South America.

Latin America Energy Forum is a federal trademark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office


Latin America Energy Forum - Objectives
  1. To inform the American energy community of business opportunities in the Latin American energy sector;

  2. To learn about new energy initiatives;

  3. To discuss funding of energy projects in South American countries;

  4. To discover private equity opportunities;

  5. To connect Latin American companies with foreign investors.


Latin America Energy Forum 2024- Program: 11:30AM - 2:00PM

2024 Keynote Speaker



H.E. Jacinth Henry-Martin, Ambassador of St. Kitts and Nevis:

Prior to her election to the Federal Parliament of St Kitts and Nevis in 2000, Ambassador Jacinth Henry-Martin served as Director of Culture, Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, and Minister of Information, Culture, Youth & Sports. She was subsequently named to high level representational roles in the United Kingdom and in the United States of America before being appointed her country’s first female Ambassador to the USA in 2011, serving in the dual role of Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS and concurrent non-resident Ambassador to Mexico and Paraguay. From 2015 to 2023, she executed roles at the OAS including that of Chief of Staff of the Secretary General and Advisor to the Assistant Secretary General with responsibility for coordinating the Offices of the OAS General Secretariat across the Americas, and as Chief of two OAS electoral observation missions to Member States. In July 2023, she returned to the service of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis as Ambassador to the USA, with concurrent appointment as Permanent Representative to the OAS. Ambassador Henry-Martin is the recipient of many accolades and awards recognizing her contribution to the social advancement of the people of her country. An artist at heart, she is the author of two published anthologies of poetry, pens and performs her own dramatic works with accompaniment by drumming and choir ensembles, and regularly offers words of encouragement and empowerment to youths as a motivational speaker. She sits on the board of the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) which encourages and promotes leadership in creative endeavors and entrepreneurship in young people. She holds a Master of Arts in Technical and Specialized Translation from the University of Westminster in the United Kingdom and is fluent in three languages



Further information 


For sponsorship opportunities and to register as a guest, please Contact Us  


Latin America Energy Forum 2016| Latin America Energy Forum 2018

Latin America Energy Forum 2019| Latin America Energy Forum 2020

Latin America Energy Forum 2021

Latin America Energy Forum 2022

Latin America Energy Forum 2023


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